Social Media . . .
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Friends of the Buckeye Trail on Meetup
There are now Meetup groups called Buckeye Trail Meetups. This is a great way to learn about all of the upcoming Buckeye Trail events. You will see BTA events listed such as trail crew outings, hikes, special events and meetings. Other happenings on or around the Buckeye Trail will be listed too!
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Find Us on YouTube
The BTA has a YouTube Channel called Buckeye Trail TV. Now you can view parts of the trail from home before heading out to it! You can see view of the trail from around the state along with informational and educational videos on building and maintaining our trail and "What the Buckeye Trail means to you!" Be sure to add your experiences and videos along the trail to the site while you're there! Buckeye Trail TV can be found at: